Edited by me in blue ink
It was a normal day for 18-year-old Tyrel Wolfe. He was going about his normal daily routine when he received a rather odd friend request from a woman on Facebook. For anyone who uses Facebook, it is known to happen every once in a while, where more often than not, these "friend" requests are mostly full of spammy individuals. Even though random messages from strangers are common on social media platforms, the woman's profile stuck with him.
Tyrel kept this unexpected request in mind; just deleted the message, and moved on with his life. He really didn't put much thought into it at the time. The 'random woman' who sent the friend request was named Joana Marchan, who was a resident of the Philippines. Tyrel had never been to the Philippines in his life. He didn't exactly know anybody by the name of Joana Marchan. After looking through her profile, he realized that Joan had never been to the United States; let alone, his small town in Idaho.

He wanted to get her off of his mind once and for all. Tyrel mustered all the courage he could to send Joana a reply. He kept it simple and to the point. He replied, "One question: how do I know you?"

She responded rather quickly; but in a form of a question instead of an answer. She asked, "You know about the Samaritan's purse?" Tyrel was sure that it was an organization, but he couldn't recall where he had heard of it. After some thought, it all came back to him.

Tyrel remembered a time when he was a young boy of 7, where he had been a part of a program called 'Operation Christmas Child'; a project organized by a non-profit organization called, Samaritan's Purse.Every year, the organization would pack shoeboxes full of gifts for the less fortunate children around the world during Christmas. These boxes contained things like small toys, toiletries, etc; especially school supplies.

Joana's response came as a huge surprise to Tyrel. She wrote in her reply that she had received a photo of "a cute cowboy with a wooden background." Tyrel knew that this photo was the exact one he had placed inside of the shoebox all those years ago. Coincidentally enough, the shoebox Tyrel had sent 11 years ago that one fateful Christmas, made its way to this little girl in the Philippines, who not only received the box, but kept the photo with his name as well. Tyrel knew 100% that she was now telling the truth.

Earlier on his conversations with Joana, Tyrel sent her a message to ask if he could visit her in the Philippines. Joana was more than ecstatic to have Tyrel come to visit.
The time finally came for Tyrel to board the plane to the Philippines. After his 14 hour trip, Joana was at the airport waiting to greet him. Joana and her family went to go the extra miles to welcome Tyrel into their home. Tyrel said that it seemed like he was already a part of the family based on the way he was welcomed. There was such a strong connection between the two friends that something special sparked within.

There was a singular person in Joana's life whose opinion mattered the most. The entirety of their relationship was laid in the hands of Joana's mother. She felt as though the relationship was moving too quickly. She wanted them to slow down, and get to know each other deeper; prior to getting married. Tyrel respected her concern. He understood why she had felt in this manner since he was a foreigner; and that the rest of Joana's family didn't feel as though they were aware of his intentions well enough to agree to the marriage just yet. Henceforth, Tyrel got a little help from reinforcements. Tyrel felt that the situation could be cleared up if Joana's family were able to meet someone from his family. Tyrel convinced his father that it would be a good idea for him to come to the Philippines with him to meet with Joana's family.
The wedding plans then moved very swiftly; 5 months after Tyrel's proposal. They got married in October of 2014 with a simple wedding at Tyrel's parents' ranch. Joana wore a wedding gown she purchased from a thrift store for just $5, and Tyrel wore a traditional Filipino garment, called a Barong. What made the wedding so special, was what the couple had asked from the guests in lieu for wedding gifts. Joana and Tyrel didn't have a typical love story, so they didn't want anything too fancy. They felt already blessed in the way of how the two have met and how they were brought together as a couple, so it was necessary for them to pay it forward by giving others the chance to connect in the same way. The guests were asked to give to the charity and the needy by bringing shoeboxes with small gifts to be donated to Operation Christmas Child! The organization, which brought them together. The guests were also asked to put a special note in their shoebox; much like the one Tyrel had written for Joana. The notes were actually written to aspire and teach others about good things which can come from helping out people in need.