Sunday, July 18, 2021

Enneagram study

I gave this post a lot of thought and revision since 10/17/20. I hope this has enlightened you more than it did me.

I received a call from my mother some time in May, 2020. Although her intentions of wanting us to celebrate Mother's Day together as a family was forthright, she wanted all of us to learn about the Enneagram of Personality. A tool for personal and collective transformation so as to learn your personality type. 

This begged the question: For someone who obstinately claims that they know their children better than themselves, why have this as a focal importance for bonding with each other?

Doesn't sharing our personal experience or personal interest freely mean so much more than analyzing our personalities as a study group? I don't know about you, but I thought bonding with your children would be a little more candid and spontaneous than this.

After much retaliation I had with my mother, I decided to investigate the school of thought with the Enneagram. I bought the same book and the workbook (5/15/20) she was using to help herself become self-aware, to get an understanding where she might be going with this.

I've been self-aware since the age of 7. There were a lot of things I remember saying and doing up to the point my mother declared that I needed Jesus to save me. I honestly believed her. I studied the Bible as any child would do to please their parents. However, nothing I said or did was ever righteous or perfect. I was honestly burnt out: spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically by age 13. It was bad enough that my mother had to call an exorcist to come and cleanse me. It turned out to be a con by a demon-possessed woman. When I say demon-possessed, I meant an other-worldly experience no human would ever believe it were true. If I were to tell you the story, it would sound like I was re-iterating a movie scene from "Constantine."

"The Road Back to you," points out that if we are to do this as a group, this should be a mindful, safe and encouraging space to learn and grow - away from shame and judgment. Self-knowledge is a lifelong process.

Having the preconceived notion of how my mother behaves around me, I doubt she intended to use this study as a means to reconcile our relationship. I saw it as a means to use this to her advantage.

As you all know, I have been on my Spiritual Journey with Christ on my own - alone; by myself for over 25 years. Yes; I am aware I declared an overly redundant sentence. For the record, I am still growing. I study the Torah with wonderful people at Temple Beth Or. I also attend a Bible Study group where I learn and teach Jesus' truth. 

Once my mother started interjecting what I should or shouldn’t be, it was obvious that she overstepped onto my personal boundary. I dug my heel and insisted that she leave me alone. Her continued disregard for my well-being and the forewarning I presented to her prior to August 24, 2020 proved equitable.

Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. It is public knowledge that mindfulness was originally taught by Siddhartha Gautama after his enlightenment, who used it as a tool for uncovering and extinguishing the roots of suffering in the mind.

We know that King David and the Sons of Kórach meditated on God's words (Psalms 48:9; 62:5; 63: 6-877:11-12; 86:11104:34; Psalm 119: 1115-16143:5) so as to grow closer to God and be better people to the community. God has told his people to be still and know that He is Lord of all creation (Psalm 46: 10). The Apostle Paul encourage us to practice this exercise (meditating on God's word) daily (1 Chronicles 16: 11). When you meditate with God, you will be filled with the Holy Spirit; just as Priest Zechariah experienced after his son, John the Baptist was born (Luke 1: 68 - 80).

Meditating on God's word not only strengthens our faith, but allows us to receive mercy (Hebrews 4: 16). When God redeemed his people from Egypt, he sent Moses to lead and teach them on how they should live in peace as a community and as holy people of God. On their journey through the wilderness, they were covered by the cloud and guided by the fire and went through the Sea of Reeds to be totally free from Egypt. For a thousand years, Israel suffered under the hands of the enemies because the laws revised by the Sanhedrin and Pharisees were too rigid and non-conforming to the ages. God sent his son, who came to fulfill the laws by teaching 12 disciples the fundamental truth. Apostle Paul had to declare in his trial that he believed Jesus made his disciples a new creation. When they believed that the Son of Man has come to forgive their sins, he saw how closer their relationship to God was compared to his own. When they began studying God's word, the laws in the Torah became clear. They understood that it can be fulfilled without judgement. They are assured they can receive mercy and redemption (Romans 8: 1- 39).

Whether you choose to pray in meditation (Matthew 6: 6) or withdraw from the crowd in solitude (Mark 1: 35) to seek God's rest and mercy, He will be with you. Have you ever tried paying full attention to your child while cooking a meal? You literally cannot do both. However, if you include your child by teaching and showing them how to cook, you can see their attention is focused on you and your words. Just as Jesus taught his disciples: when you abide in me, I too abide in you (John 15: 1-7).

I left the church completely because they refuse to answer my questions with honesty. They insisted my questions were sinful and doubtful against God. They failed to understand that Jesus gave his disciples permission to ask questions by seeking Him. Why couldn't they do the same? I will never know. Among the 12 disciples, Simon Peter was the most judgmental and crude one of them all. His journey with Christ made him realize that his heart must be free from judgement and respite in order to help others draw closer to God (1 Peter 3:15). 

Sheep are actually surprisingly intelligent, with impressive memory and recognition skills, but they are the most destructive creatures on the planet. This is why Jesus always refer to Shepherds as his teaching tool. The Shepherd has to account for every sheep in the flock. They start at the age of 8 leading the sheep to the fields. They carry with them a staff, a sling and a flute. They learn each sheep and call them by name. Until they are old enough to help with the sowing and harvesting of the fields, the sheep forms a bond with the shepherd. Just as Jesus taught the parable of the Lost Sheep, so shall your faith (the Lost Sheep) be restored when you (the Shepherd) return to God in earnest making the journey to seek him. As Apostle Paul encouraged the Church of Ephesus, their faith in Christ cannot be on works alone. It has to be done according to Jesus' teachings - in truth and in action (Ephesians 2: 8-9). The same way James have taught others: don't just repeat the words after listening to the words; apply the words into your life (James 1:22).

I don't know what it is my mother believes what the passage means in Romans 12:2. I have watched and listened to Dr. Leaf's YouTube videos. All of them make scientific sense. Cogito, ergo sum is a philosophical statement that was made in Latin by René Descartes, usually translated into English as "I think, therefore I am." It's not a revolutionary nuance to boost your self-esteem. My mother has always discounted my spiritual and emotional struggles as a sign weakness and sinful behaviors. I sought out other adults to find my peace of mind. Through prayer and supplication, God led me to wonderful people who help me sort out my struggles. Just as Jesus taught his disciples recorded by Mark in Chapter 10 verses 42 through 45, "Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: and whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." The happiest people are those who spend their hearts and wills to become affectionate and living resources for the sake of others. Whenever they hear a need, they quietly meet it. My psychiatrist and psychologist know and understand that I have a chemical imbalance. We worked out that medication was not a good solution for me. We found what food boosts my serotonin and cortisol levels along with strategic exercises that fit my daily routine to manage my depression and anxiety. So, if this "renewing of the mind" is in line with what I'm already doing, I'm all for it. Otherwise, it's just another manipulative tactic my mother is inflicting upon me.

I am not ashamed of the people I associate with. These are the people whom God led me to; so as to help and encourage me to continue my journey as a Born-again Christian (2 Timothy 2:15). They don't make me feel ashamed of who I am. They welcome and accept me as I am. That's what unconditional love is. It inspires me to do the same. I have an undivided heart; which means, my affections are solely on God. When I abide in Christ, everything else falls into place. All I can do is sing praises and be thankful (1 Thessalonians 5:16 -18). If my lifestyle continues to upset my mother - so be it (Philippians 3:8).

So here's my conclusion on how I see the Enneagram of Personality tool. It only works when you tell the truth.

Attributes of the Enneagram Personalities:
Heart Triad - Will you like me? Types 2, 3 and 4
Head Triad - How do I deal with my anxiety? Types 5, 6 and 7
Gut Triad - How will I deal with my environment? Types 8, 9 and 1

Here are my numbers: 4, 2, 8, 5, 7, 1, 9
Here are my sins: Anger, Envy, Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Avarice (greed), Sloth

The Challenger (Type 8; Gut Triad - How I deal with my environment)
Healthy 8s are great friends, exceptional leaders and champions of those who cannot fight on their own behalf. They understand and embrace vulnerability at times since they can be impatient with people who are indecisive or can’t pull their weight; and are capable of collaborating with others if they know they will not be betrayed or break the rules on them. Spiritually healthy, self-aware 8s love to do what others say can’t be done. When their energy is harnessed and channeled, they can change the course of history.

Anger is the dominant emotion in an 8’s life, but their deadly sin is lust for intensity. They want to be where the action is. They are fiercely independent people (4) whose oppositional energy expresses itself in a need to be strong and go up against power. 8s assume others as untrustworthy until they’ve proven themselves otherwise. 8s use anger like a palisade to hide behind and defend the softer, more tender feelings of the open-hearted, innocent child they once were. This impulsiveness leaves 8s prone to being overindulgent and excessive (7). 8s see themselves as honest, outspoken and audacious. They care deeply about justice and fairness. They will step in front of a speeding train for their small circle of friends. They have no problem speaking truth to power, and the only number in the Enneagram brave enough to confront oppressors of the world. 

They will accept any challenge and expect others to challenge them in return. 8s value truth therefore when they confront others, it allows them to think they can force people’s real intentions or hidden agendas out in the open or reveal whether or not they can be trusted. 8s worry a lot about betrayal. They want the unvarnished truth. They are highly intuitive; so they can smell deception a mile away. You don’t want to lose an 8s’ trust. It takes a long time to get it back, so always lead with the truth. 8s don’t feel like they have to be the person in control - they just don’t want to be controlled. 8s are more likely to stand up to a bully. They don’t feel a need to conform, but they know when it’s to their advantage to follow the rules. Their motive is with hopes they’ll be rewarded with more freedom and independence for good behavior or performance. They need to remember that mistakes and weaknesses teach us the value of apology, and trust in which the experience of forgiveness blossoms by following another leader. When they are in the silence of their own hearts, they will beat themselves up mercilessly (2). 8s need to be reminded that moderation is a virtue; not a restraining order. When they are in a healthy space, they’re a blast to be with - they laugh easily, entertain generously and tell the kind of jokes that make you donkey snort. At the end of the day, they want to find someone with whom they can feel safe enough to relax their defenses and reveal their heart. They are zealous, tenacious, decisive, innovative, resourceful and persistent. They’re terrific troubleshooters because they just make things happen. 

Awakened Eights with a 9 wing (8w9) are more approachable and open to cooperation. They are supportive, modest and less blustery. Therefore more people are happy to follow their lead. In a sense, they are successful negotiators in every situation. However, they are easily distracted and forget their priorities. 

When they become angry, it takes a lot of effort to ignore the anger while defending their serenity. They’re angry because of the sacrifices they have made to keep the peace and hold relationships together. They’re loaded with unresolved anger therefore will resort to falling asleep when it becomes overwhelming. They feel if they let their anger out, it will hurt or kill someone they love. So much so, they tire themselves out from this task to doze off. When they are overwhelmed with anxiety, they space out in a trancelike state. If they fall too deeply in this trance, they become increasingly absent-minded and less productive. Conversations with them are a delight as long as they don’t switch over to cruise control. You’ll know when they’ve done this when they launch a long drawn out story containing more details than you can ever thought possible. They can be ambivalent at times when faced with unlimited possibilities. However, their ability to see two sides to everything makes them natural mediators. They love life’s simple pleasures and are able to reconnect with people who reach out to them. So even after years of not seeing a person, they can pick up the conversation from where they left off. Therefore they make wonderful counselors, teachers, clergy or public relations executives. They have a profound awareness of the interconnectedness of all things in creation. God didn’t invite you to this party to live someone else’s life. Your life matters so we need you as you are. Resist the urge to fall back on passive-agressive behaviors like procrastination and avoidance. If you feel angry, be honest and open.

Awakened Eights with a 7 wing (8w7) live life to the fullest. So they are more social and gregarious than other 8s. 

Awakened Eights with 5 wing (8w5) become less connected with their emotions when stressed. Some experience insomnia, eat poorly and/or stop exercising. 

Awakened Eights with wing 2 (8w2) become more caring, learn to listen and value other’s point of view. When 8s are spiritually self-aware, they are powerhouses of fearlessness, compassion, inspiration, liveliness, companionship, loyalty, self-confidence, intuitiveness, commitment and forgiveness. They have some understanding of needing self-care, self-investment by doing creative things, which brings them joy. When they are stressed, they become more demanding and controlling. They tend to blame other people for what makes them unhappy which would make them look aggressive and vengeful. Reminders for 8s: “Living behind a facade of bluster and toughness to mask one’s fear of emotional harm is cowardice; not bravery. If you want to love and be loved, you have to risk being vulnerable. It’s the price of admission. Don’t always play the part of a rebel. They’re not all bad people. What may feel like passion to you, is intimidating for others. Offer an unqualified apology when people tell you that you’ve ran over them. When you’re angry, stop yourself and ask if you’re hiding or defending.”

Resonating statements of being an 8
  • Doing things halfway is not my spiritual gift
  • In relationships that matter to me, I insist on being honest about conflicts and staying in the fight until it’s resolved
  • It’s hard for me to trust people
  • Justice is worth fighting for
  • Saying “no” is not a problem for me
  • I welcome opposition. Bring it.
  •  I make decisions fast and from the gut.
  • I don’t like it when people beat about the bush
  • I’m wary of people who are super nice
  • Don’t mess with the people I love
  • I have no problem confronting a bully
  • Under my tough exterior is a tender, loving heart
My reaction to this personality from my Enneagram test is: "Damn.." 🤣🤣🤣. It's really spot on. The reason why I started with the Type 8 personality is because it was the first one listed in Chapter 1 of the book, "The Road Back to you." The questions in the workbook were very thought provoking. There are behaviors I do want to improve in. I need to manage my anger better than I was doing 18 years ago. The best part about my life with God is, when I ask him what I needed to do for him, he brings people to me. Whether they realize it or not, I always let them know that I care. If they ever need anything, I would do my best to help them out. This is how I give back to God. I don't have to prove to anybody that I am a good person (Proverbs 11:25). 

The Peacemaker (Type 9; Gut Triad - How I deal with my environment)
Average 9s come off as sweet and easygoing. However, they are stubborn and out of touch with their anger. The are usually overlook themselves by feeling unimportant or occasionally invest in themselves. They don't ask for much although they appreciate what others do for them. This failure to risk fully engaging with life stems in part from the 9s need to avoid conflict at all costs. They fear that expressing their preferences or asserting their agenda will put important relationships at risk and upset the calm surface of their inner sea. Since they value maintaining the comfortable and tranquil status quo, preserving connections with others matter much more than their own viewpoints and aspirations. Self-forget allows them to fall asleep to their lives.

In fact, they can merge so deeply with the life program and identity of another that they eventually mistake it as their own. From this vantage point, they benefit seeing the world as the other Type number sees it, but also naturally incorporate into themselves a measure of the core characteristic strengths associated with every Personality type. With this innate ability, they drop their healthy boundaries to fuse with a more assertive partner, whom they respect and from whom they hope to glean a sense of identity and purpose.

Resonating statements of being a 9
  • Sometimes I get lost in doing trivial tasks, while things that really need to get done is put off
  • I tend to procrastinate
  • When I get distracted, and go off task, I give my attention to whatever is happening right in front of me
  • Others see me as more peaceful than I really am
  • I have a hard time getting started, but once I do, I really get things done.
  • I’m a "what you see is what you get" type of person.
  • People think I’m a good listener even though I find it hard to pay attention in a long conversation
  • Sometimes I tune out and think about the past
  • Being outdoors is very soothing for me
  • I am often quietly stubborn when people put demands on me
  • I would feel selfish to spend a whole day doing whatever I want to do
I truly resonate with what I discovered about this Personality Type. I adapt well with others because I want to be everybody's friend. I learned earlier in my childhood that not everybody wants to be my friend. When I was an adolescent, I realized that being ambivalent about my relationship with others led to more stress than I care to admit. I later found out in my journey that I am an Emotional Empath - as the author states on page 75 of "The Road back to you," Although 9s seem to tread in ambivalence, there are times when they know exactly what they have to do and how they need to do it; regardless of the controversy or conflict it will cause or how much it will cost them personally. In other words, what you feel; I feel it too. I expend that emotion 10 folds back to the original person feeling that emotion. It has caused a lot of pain for many people I love dearly. What my husband and I are working on, is finding common ground and a safe space to channel my empath abilities at an object (my potato pillow) rather than at each other.

In regards to my mother, even though I expressed my love to her (whether in deed or in truth), having to hear her say that my expressions are not good enough, is not only provoking me to act violently but also feeling physically sick (migraine, panic attack, fatigue, insomnia and anhedonia). As much as it pains me to say, "I wish my mom would love me for who I am so I can live a peaceful and wonderful life," I'd rather live my life without her. She is not part of the enrichment factor of my life. God gives us the promise that we, who live a giving lifestyle end up living in abundance. Sadly, my mother is not the giving type of person when it comes to me.

The Perfectionist (Type 1; Gut Triad - How I deal with my environment)
Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people ~ Anne Lamott

Perfection is the enemy of excellence ~ Goethe

A common perfectionist has judging and comparing minds that naturally spot errors and imperfections. They struggle to accept that imperfection is inevitable while fearing the tyranny of that critical voice in their head. Even though they are fueled by anger, it expresses itself as smoldering resentment. Controlling their behavior and emotions is a priority. Hence they become mercilessly hard on themselves. Because they believe they occupy the superior moral, ethical and spiritual high ground, they tend to hold high expectations of others and themselves. Their inner critic never goes away. It’s hard for them to turn it off. Though very sensitive to criticism themselves, they express a sense of shock when you tell them that you feel harshly criticized compared to their bitter self-recrimination they drink from every day. When they are stressed, their inner critic begins working overtime. So their need to be in a perfect world goes into overdrive. They become more resentful when others are having fun, more sensitive to criticism, and depressed. If they stay in this space for too long, they feel unloved, lose confidence and long to be of obligations and responsibilities. They always want to do the right thing so they tend to double-check. They will pause before finishing a thought. They will always ask lots of questions about whether they’re doing things correctly and tend to take responsibility for things that aren’t their fault. They make top-notch lawyers, judges, politicians, military personnel, law enforcers and teachers. Because they worry about making mistakes, they need regular feedback and encouragement. When they start ranting with a disproportionate amount of energy about something, that’s probably not what they’re angry about. Gently ask clarifying questions and give them enough space to trace the line back to help them figure out what’s really going on with them. When the voice of their inner critic gets quieter, they’re more self-accepting, spontaneous, fun, open to trying new things and shift their attention to what’s good and right about the world.  

Awakened Ones with 2 wing (1w2) are more extroverted, warm, helpful and empathetic but can be more critical and controlling. So most of them can be sensitive to criticism. They tend to be concerned about doing things properly because they want to be seen as dependable and responsible. They are effective in problem solving as individuals and in groups. They are generous in their response to church, education, community, government and family. They tend to talk a lot and accept too many tasks in a day. They readily sense other people’s needs. Without the influence of the 9, they will tend to have too many expectations for others; so when they feel let down, the result is often resentment as well as prone to guilt. As a result, they are less trusting and expect a bit more in return for their efforts. They need to be reminded that a person does not need to be perfect to be good. They will have to befriend their inner critic to be whole by naming it. 

To awaken self-compassion, capture it in a journal. When Darkness comes, smile and tell her that you’ve taken a new path to self-acceptance in life. When you are ready to dive into correct an injustice, ask yourself whether the passion you feel is a misplaced anger or addressing the real issue. Forgive yourself and others for mistakes. Everyone makes them. Be aware of how you receive criticism from others and accept it without being defensive. Pick up a hobby you enjoy and just do it for the love of it. If you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself what you’re afraid of if you won’t be able to accomplish it perfectly. Find people with Type 7 or Type 9 to help you relax and have fun. Resist the urge to redo other people’s tasks. Instead, appreciate them for the things they have done right. 

Resonating statements of being a 1
  • People have told me that I can be overly critical and judgmental
  • I beat myself up when I make mistakes
  • I don’t like it when people ignore or break the rules
  • Details are important to me
  • If I say I’ll do it, then I’ll do it - don’t call me a liar
  • It is hard for me to let go of resentment
  • I think it is my responsibility to leave the world better than I found it
  • I spend a lot of time thinking about how I could be a better person
  • Forgiveness is hard for me
  • I notice immediately when things are wrong or out of place
  • I worry a lot
  • I am really disappointed when other people don’t do their part
  • I do my best when working on a project and wish others to do the same so I don’t have to redo their work
  • I often feel like I try harder than others to do things correctly
My inner critic is named Darkness. Andreas calls it Elizabeth. My journal, CJ was burnt - I cannot reclaim what was lost, but I remember the sentiment. Essentially what I wrote to CJ was, how much of a critic my mother was towards me. I have met people who give constructive criticism. It has a different sense of tone than what my mother expressed to me during my childhood. I'm not oblivious to reason and practicality. Just because I was young, naive and inexperienced, that doesn't mean I was an imbecile. For someone who claims that they are a better parent than their sire, Proverbs 22:6 can prove otherwise. 

I was a young mother too. I sought help from people who were willing to teach me to be a better parent to my child. To be ridiculed for doing so, it makes me wonder if my mother was treating me the same way she was treated as a child. Don't get me wrong. I admire my mother's tenacity and resiliance. She worked 7 jobs while my father was painstakingly looking for clients to pay what was due to him. She is stronger and braver than she would ever care to realize. Whatever it is she wants from me, I cannot give it. No matter how much she nags me. I cannot go back to what God redeemed me from (Proverbs 11:24). I freely gave my all only to be thrown hurtful words at my face. I would much rather look for other people, whom I can spend my energy and time so that I can bless them the same way God blesses me (an excerpt from Daily Gifts of Hope: Devotions for each day of your year, Daily Devotion August 27, 2015. A birthday gift my mom gave me on my 37th birthday). 

The Helper (Type 2; Heart Triad - Will you like me?)
Healthy 2s can often name their own needs and feelings without fear of losing relationships. They are generous in their efforts to love well and care for others. These happy, secure 2s have appropriate boundaries, knowing what is theirs to do and what is not. They create a comfortable, safe space for others and are often considered to be a friend by many. They adapt well to changing circumstances and are aware of their true self that exists beyond their relationships. Their sin of pride comes to play when they foist their assistance and advice on those they deem less experienced and less capable people, who would otherwise be lost without them. They rarely ask for help. Even though they accept you as you are, they seeth with resentment when the expectations of a returned favor is not met. Because their self-worth depends on the response they receive from others, they lack the ability to recognize what’s happening in the moment in order to be compassionate when they are not acknowledged for their “kindness". 

What they need to realize is that people don’t have to feel the need of 2s fulfilling their needs just to be in their lives. When they spend so much time and energy seeing to the needs of others, they have lost touch meeting their own needs. Encourage them to recognize that their needs can be met without humiliation and rejection. We are not mind readers. They feel things deeply and it’s easy for them to  express emotions. Because of their intuitiveness with highly developed interpersonal skills, they can build a community. They remember people’s birthdays, names of people’s kids, first to know about people’s background story or who’s pregnant. As leaders, they know how to recruit the right people for the job. They need to learn the difference between self-interested and altruistic giving. Once they have developed a healthy self-knowledge and self-awareness, they can learn to give to others free of charge. Remind yourself that you’re neither the best nor the worst. Don’t push away feelings of resentment or entitlement when they arise. Recognize and acknowledge the invitation to these feelings. Congratulate yourself for spotting it, take a deep breath, dial it back and start over again. Don’t worry if you cannot supply an answer right away. Practice saying, “Let me think about it." 

Resonating Statements of being a 2
  • I am anxious to overcome misunderstandings in a relationship
  • Even people I don’t know well, share deep stuff about their lives with me
  • I need to be acknowledged and appreciated for my contributions
  • I’m more comfortable giving than receiving 
  • I like my home to feel like a safe and welcoming place for family and others
  • I care a great deal about what people think of me
  • I like it when the people who love me, do something unexpected for me
  • Lots of people ask me for help, and it makes me feel valuable
  • People say my emotions can feel over-the-top
  • I feel angry and conflicted when my needs conflict with others
  • Sometimes it is hard for me to watch movies because I find it almost unbearable to see people suffer
  • I worry a lot about being forgiven when I make mistakes
I find this Personality type amusing because not only is on point, I'm still experiencing this today. I don't believe this is something than can be eradicated completely. It is a part of me, which I have to manage constantly. It's like the rule of 5 minutes. If you call someone ugly, can you honestly believe someone can fix that in 5 minutes? Are you insane? If I have a booger hanging from my nose, please tell me! I can fix it in 3 seconds. 

I am deaf (left ear) and hard of hearing (right ear). According to my audiologist, I was already affected by hearing loss long before I arrived at the clinic to receive my hearing aids. 

In other words, the reason why I was loud and obnoxious around my mother was because I was already losing my hearing. The incident with the megaphone in college only added the ear drum damage to my already existing hearing loss. It made sense as to why the recruiter from the Military Entrance Processing Station requested another audio test. The audiologist at the MEPS testing center had no choice but to give me a fair pass to be enlisted. Nobody at the testing center told me I was deaf at 19. The recruiter at MEPS wanted his commission so badly. 

The Romantic (Type 4; Heart Triad - Will you like me?) 
Healthy 4s have a considerable emotional range, and they manage it by not speaking or acting on every feeling they have. They know they don’t have to be special to win God’s unconditional love. These 4s have found a way to live, for the most part, outside the pattern of shame and inferiority. They are deeply creative, emotionally honest and connected, and attuned to beauty. They make wonderful friends, co-workers and partners. They’re hard working, generous and marvelously creative. They’ll awaken you to the beauty and transcendent nature of the world by guiding you into emotions you would otherwise never dare to feel. As artists, they can say clearly what you always felt vaguely. They’re more empathetic than any other Enneagram types. They know that there’s nothing they can do to help with your pain than be in solidarity with you until whatever afflictive emotion you’re experiencing has finished its work in you. They can be incredibly funny people since their weird take on the world and sense of irony can produce outrageous, comedic moments. Many 4s may gravitate toward careers in the arts by don’t exclusively choose arts-related career paths. Because they are comfortable accompanying people on their journeys through painful times, they make great therapists, pastoral counselors and spiritual directors. They’ll thrive as long as their work affords them the opportunity to express their creativity, depth of feeling and distant style. They may take on the healthy traits of 1s where they stop talking about their creative ideas and actually buckle down to realize them into reality. They are more aware of the present, centered and calm. They are much successful in relationships knowing they can have feelings without talking about them or acting on them.

Even though envy is the deadly sin of 4s, they already posses many wonderful qualities which make them unique. Their talk style is lament. They are their feelings. In a sense it is the basis of their identity. Given their love and over identification with charged emotions, their mood is in a constant state of flux. A 4 can take a minor tiff with a friend and turn it into a Wagner Opera. All these theatrics often push away the people with whom they want to make their most heartfelt connection. They have rich imaginations where they can reflect and pine about the past. They are known for wearing clothes that set them apart from the social norms in order to attract attention of eccentricity. It may look like it was haphazardly put together but it is a well thought out achievement. The search for authenticity means everything to them. They can spot a poseur a mile away. They don’t like mediocrity, superficiality, or people who are unsparingly optimistic all the time. They care deeply about beauty and art. They will decorate their homes in a way that reflects their originality and create things that give expression to their feelings. They take up unusual hobbies in addition to having a wildly interesting and diverse group of friends. All these elite interests can give people the impression that they are snobbish and aloof. On the contrary, it invites others to connect with them more than anything else. 

They find meaning best expressed through imagery, metaphors, story-telling and symbols that can express feelings and truths that tests the limits of language. Their longing desire to belong draws out their envy to desire characteristics others posses. Even though they can get jealous, it’s basis is mostly fear of abandonment. The present to them seems unbearable at times, and the future is fraught with anxiety so they always think a lot about the past. If you see them looking off with a 100-mille stare, they’re probably ruminating a “What if?” refrain in their head. This unfolds a high-maintenance dramatic relationship with friends or partners. They want to dig deep into the heart of whatever’s going on between you and them. They want you to be there with them. They can even leverage trivial events into opportunities to show off their Shakespearean flair. When their demand for peak emotional experiences exceeds supply, they might instigate a drama with a friend or partner, then after several weeks of silence, extend an awkward apology in a form of a poem or a song they’ve written or performed. Their anxiety in re-experiencing the abandonment they endured in the past plays itself out as a challenge in their relationships because they want to know if their friends or partners can “detach from them without withdrawing.” 

You have to listen without necessarily agreeing with them. If you love a 4, you cannot allow yourself to be sucked into their swirling emotional vortex. You have to remain detached, allow them to do their thing until they’re done, and whatever you do, DON’T leave them. If you do, it only confirms their worst fear, which is that they are “irredeemably deficient.” 4s need to have their feelings acknowledged and their loved ones need to understand that their melancholy is not depression. If their rumination is left uncheck, they are then in danger of experiencing depression on a mental health level. They will procrastinate if you ask them to tackle projects that involve too many details especially with spreadsheets. They dislike uniformity, regulation, and an abundance of rules and expectations. They aren’t great in teams where their gifts might get buried in the mix. They want to be seen and appreciated for bringing unique perspectives. Sure, they’re temperamental, but if you give them something special to do, they’ll outperform your expectations. As leaders, they make decisions on the basis of feelings and intuition, which can freak data-orientated people out. They can lead by force of personality, which can intimidate the people who work for them. Their ability to bring compatible people together and create a climate of collaboration versus competition is invaluable. They’re inspiring, and bring out what’s special in others. Be real with them; inauthentic or frivolous people are invisible to them.

Awakened Fours with 3 wing (4w3) want to be both the most unique and the best. Their energy is competitive and more aware of their emotional intensity and quirky idiosyncrasies to dial back in order to be socially acceptable. They tend to be more outgoing and productive; turning their dreams into reality. They have frequent mood swings than those with 4w5s characteristic tendencies. When they are stressed, they act like unhealthy 2s, craving attention, requesting a lot of reassurance and affirmation from their friends and partners. They need to be reminded that there’s nothing missing in their life. Their journey toward spiritual health and vitality, will involve doing some work in this realm. They must learn to regulate and stabilize their emotions. Once they cultivate equanimity, they are able to detach their feelings from their identity. With prayer, meditation, and self-knowledge, they will mellow with the healing message, “I see you. You’re beautiful. Don’t be ashamed.” Remind them to listen to others’ stories about their own suffering and realize that it isn’t about you. Don’t instigate drama - you’re not Shakespeare. Go out of your way to express appreciation for what’s present in the moment with the people you love and offer yourself the gift of unconditional self-friendship. Never give up on yourself. Figure out what causing your suffering and do what you can to heal it. Never compare yourself to others and work hard for what’s possible in your relationship, career or community and see it through completion. When the past calls, let it go. Don’t embellish by getting swept up in your feelings.

Resonating statements of being a 4 with 3 wing
  • I never really felt like I belonged
  • I have so many feelings in a day; it’s hard to know which ones to pay attention to first
  • I’m very sensitive to criticism, and it takes me a while to get over it
  • I spend a lot of time trying to explain myself
  • When people tell me what to do, I’m often tempted to do the opposite of what is asked of me
  • Sometimes I just disappear and go radio silent for a few days
  • I’m okay with sad songs, sad stories and sad movies. Overly happy people give me a headache.
  • I’m self-conscious of my status quo. It’s hard for me to find my place in a room full of people
  • People say I’m too intense and my feelings overwhelm them
  • I’m either an artist or highly creative. I come up with one amazing, creative idea after another. It’s executing them that’s hard.
  • Lots of people misunderstand me, and it makes me angry, frustrated, annoyed, irritated, infuriated, piqued, and vexed
  • The keys to my happiness are efficiency, productivity, and being acknowledged as the best.
  • I keep a close watch on how people are responding to me in the moment
  • It's hard for me to leave work while on vacation
  • I like other people to know about my accomplishments. 
When my mother accompanied my father to Brunei, she told me that we could spend more time together. Something happened between my parents. All I remember was being inflicted with a lot of pain and suffering from her episodes of migraine, incessant yelling bouts and unrestrained mar whenever she felt I was contemptible. I never understood why she felt I was opprobrious towards her. That is so far from the truth.

I love my mother. I always have. I was angry for a long time (1986 - 2004). I was only 25 when my relationship with Chris became toxic. I had to be ordered to take self-help classes because my relationship between my mother and Chris became unbearable where it was affecting my work in the office. When I earnestly sought help and forgiveness from my mother - I was inspired by the happy ending of the Prodigal Son, I figured - why not give it a chance? Just as expected, I was told I was on my own. I was told,"Since you put myself in this mess, God should show you the way out." How do you think I should feel? 

Even though I had my child, I felt alone and isolated. Feeling alone and isolated since the age of 7 was not something I want to spend the rest of my life living. Chris made it difficult for me to come up with a beneficial solution. I became violent towards Chris. I was only 10 when I resorted to violence. When he fought back, I couldn't imagine my life without my child. I tried to sort things out. We tried marriage counseling. I took anger management classes. It got to the point where my efforts became a moot solution.

Even after the divorce, I couldn't separate the difference between frustration and belligerent. I truly felt I didn't belong anywhere. When I realize that my behavior was affecting my child, I knew I had to do something different. I stopped communicating with my mother. It wasn't until my 30th birthday, I tried to reconcile my relationship with my mother. Sadly, it did not end in good terms. I did not speak to her again until my father's passing the next year. I came alone; which was a big mistake. My mother accused me of so many things. I didn't know where to begin. I screamed at the top of my lungs. She truly believed I became demon-possessed. Honestly, I had nothing good to say when she uttered all these accusations. Forgiveness is a process that takes time, patience, and determination. It doesn't mean forgetting or excusing the harm done to you or making up with the person who caused the harm. How do you know you've been forgiven? When the person change their outlook by releasing the pain of emotional guilt they have placed upon the other person. They have made a conscious choice to surrender any ill-will towards the other person.

I was told I forgive too easily. I have to - not to have them out of sight and mind; or because it was my Christian duty. I have anger issues. My anger stems from prolonged exposure to violence done to me. I have tried helping my mom during her time of need. Granted it was short term, but having her constantly nag at my ear for being an obstinate child is getting unbecoming and old. 

There was a time I called her to see how she was doing. Her initial greeting was, "What do you want?!" 

"Uh, to say, "Hello?" I guess I'm not allowed to do that? Maybe I'll just call another time to say, 'Happy Birthday' then?" The conversation will last about 10 minutes before the interrogation and nagging starts all over again. Granted, no body has my memory. With all due respect I did ask, "Why are we at this again?" When she ask me to explain, I got pulled into a conversation that shouldn't have happened. Then, I have opened myself to accusations. This went on for 18 years.

I haven't spoken to my mother since August 24, 2020. Will I ever have my mother see me for who I am? I don't know. Would I dare try again to reconcile our relationship? No. I'm not angry at my mother - not in the least. Have I been keeping tabs of her failures? No. Right now, these recollections are my way of trying to make sense of how to communicate effectively to a very jaded person.

As I have stated before: all I want is for my mom to be happy, healthy and successful. She deserves it. I wouldn't have made it if I was working 7 jobs. Whether she realizes it or not, she is an amazing woman. When she wants something, she'll find a way to get it. That's not me. I prefer to wait for an opportunity - if God wills it. The anticipation of it all is euphoric. If it doesn't happen, eh - maybe something better is coming. If it's too difficult to anticipate, I don't worry about it anymore. Trust me. It took me 18 years to come to this realization. 

As for now, it's better for us to be 2,544 miles apart. As my psychologist puts it: it is better to reflect on the teachable moments of your experience; so that when the good memories come up, write them down. This will allow you to remember the good things the other has done for you. It doesn't help the healing process when you ruminate the traumas. 

In the span of 18 years attempting to reconcile with my mom, I genuinely enjoyed her honesty in sharing the present moment, the transparency of her feelings and allowing us to have a decent conversation about life in general. 

As Dr Caroline Leaf explains in her videos, when we choose to focus on toxic things, our mind is trained to embrace those toxic memories. By doing so, they become toxic behaviors. We must renew our thoughts to think of changing our minds to choose life. As God reminds his people on Mount Sinai, "Choose Life, that you might live." (Deuteronomy 30:19

I don't have to prove to anyone that I'm not a toxic person by nature. Nobody is. We are formed and made to love because God is love. When you are made new in Christ, you will bear the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-24). As a mother, I learned the fundamental truth that a child is pure of heart (Proverbs 20:11). It is our duty as parents to teach them the ways of God (Deuteronomy 6:5-9). Now that my child is a young adult, it is my sole duty to guide them to the path of righteousness for His name's sake (Deuteronomy 4:9-10; 1 Timothy 4:10-11). My child and I had a difficult journey to walk through when I divorced from their father (Colossians 3:21). It took me 12 years to work through the struggles we had together (Ephesians 6:4). It took a lot of self-help classes and counseling to find the peace we needed to bond as a storge kinship (1 Corinthians 8:9). This is how I know to honor my parents. 

Yes; they mistreated me. That is something I cannot change. I never blamed them. I admit I was angry. I never understood the things they said and did to me. Everything they did was opposite to what I learned in the Bible. If God had not answered my challenge that fateful day I wanted to end my life, I wouldn't be here telling my story. The testament of my faith in Christ, who saved me from my deadly sin: Anger/Wrath.

I still have a long journey to go. I have learned a lot from my reflection and I have seen the miracles God has blessed me with. It's sad my mother missed out on all of the wonderful things I've done. I just want us to be okay. It's really sad that it had to end like this.

I know there is hope. Mercy is ever-lasting. Hence my painting blog: The ultimate forgiveness
The Investigator (Type 5; Head Triad - How do I deal with my anxiety?)
Unhealthy 5s have a defensive personality that is preoccupied with security, independence and privacy. Withholding personal information is a classic trait of 5s. Avarice, which is 5’s deadly sin expresses itself in their desire for acquiring knowledge, information, ideas, conceptual models, expertise, interesting facts and understanding for how things work. Since their characteristic type falls under the anxiety attributes of the enneagram, their desire for finding a sense of control and safe refuge in this unpredictable world is through understanding, gathering knowledge, and mastering information as keys to survival. 5s are actively watching - taking in information and filling it for future use. 5s have to have independence so as to maintain their self-sufficiency to recharge. 5s don’t like meetings. They would rather you give them a project, tell them when it’s due and allow them to accomplish it however and whenever they choose. They are generally impatient in group discussions because they crave independence from group decisions.   

Resonating statements being a 5
  • I can take care of myself, and I think others can do the same
  • I don’t always say things out loud, but in my head, I am pretty sarcastic and cynical
  • I often feel awkward around other people 
  • I’m okay if people ask me a few specific questions about myself, but I don’t like it when people want too much information
  • People are wasteful. I hold on to what I have
  • In groups, being uninformed makes me very uncomfortable 

The Enthusiast (Type 7; Head Triad - How do I deal with my anxiety?)
Average 7s reframe almost everything that is sad, limiting or could be perceived as failure, changing the narrative so that even the most negative events are recast in an affirming way. They find most of their happiness in anticipation and much of their sadness in the reality that their expectations are seldom realized. They entertain others including themselves to feel safe and claim their place in a group. Though they are very popular, they find commitment to be a challenge and have great trouble finishing projects, often jumping from one thing to the next.

When healthy, they embody joy and boundless love for life. Most mornings they burst into life just like children finding out it's snowing on school day. 7s crave stimulation. That's why their deadly sin is gluttony. It isn't about their fondness of [surrounding themselves with rich epicures of fine dining] but their compulsiveness to devour positive experiences, stimulating ideas and fine material goods in order to fend off suffering, hurtful memories and a feeling of chronic deprivation. All of us have ways of defending ourselves from pain. For 7s, it's keeping things lively and positive. There's always something they haven't tried. This is how they divert their attention away from anxieties that haunt them. Their denial to negative feelings wind up costing them their most authentic self. 7s believe they can think their way out of pain. When situations become too emotionally intense or distressing, they will fell an irrepressible urge to lighten things up a little.

They're wonderful human beings, particularly when they've learned to face up to the fact that life consists of both agony and joyful moments. Not all 7s become addicts. They are masters of polishing a bad situation into a positive light to skirt the feeling of pain. This defense mechanism is instantaneous, intuitive and impressive. They can rationalize good reasons for doing whatever it was they were doing no matter how much it would cost them or others. They love to debate and articulate their wits even though they know less about the topic than their opponent. 

Regardless of the underlying factors in anticipating possible disaster, they will adopt a strategy of going to plan for adventures, entertain captivating ideas and imagine a life where the sky's the limit. Curiosity defines them. There's never a dull moment when they plan out their next adventure or ask you to join them in one.

When they're under stress, they can adopt the unhealthy and perfectionistic behaviors of Ones. They become pessimistic, judgmental and argumentative. When they feel secure, they behave like healthy Fives. When they connect to the positive side of Five, they can experience satisfaction in the truest sense of the word.

The healing message they need to hear and believe is God will take care of you. It will take courage, determination, honesty, and encouragement; as well as understanding friendships to hep them confront painful memories and to stay with afflictive feeling as they arise in the present moment. If they cooperate with the process, they will grow a deep heart and become a truly integrated person.

If you are in a committed relationship with a 7, you know what wonderful companions they are. Their storytelling can keep a group on edge or feel excited when they act out their experience of what happened to them. Most of all, they're always interest in your inner life. However, the fascination with your life is more of a symptom of their gluttony than a sign of genuine interest.

They are dreamers and initiators. Their ability to synthesize information from a wide range of subject areas, spot unseen patterns and connect the dots inside complex bodies of knowledge, and notice where systems overlap make them prolific idea generators. Their keen sense of analytical skills and their capacity to envision an organizations preferred future, make them invaluable contributors to advancing the mission of any corporation. They are marvelous team players; but be forewarned that they aren't managers or maintainers. They work better under conditions that offer both firmness and flexibility. 

Awakened Sevens with a six wing are more settled than other 7s. Since they are fueled by the conscientiousness of the Six, they give projects and people more time before moving on to the next thing. The are sensitive and a bit more anxious, but successfully use charm to disarm. Once they commit to a relationship, they have a good chance of staying connected and working out challenges in it. These 7s are dutiful and loyal to family and friends. They are funny, entertaining and accepting of others.

Resonating statements being a 7
  • I suffer from fear of missing out
  • People close to me say I can be argumentative and act superior 
  • Variety and spontaneity are the spice of life
  • Sometimes I get so eager for the future, I can hardly wait for it to get here
  • It's hard for me to finish things. When I get close to the end of a project, I start thinking about the next thing. Then I get so excited, I move on to the next thing
  • Other people think I am sure of myself, but I have lots of doubts
  • I quickly get bored with the same routine and like to try new things
  • Almost everything can be more fun and entertaining with a little effort [going out for a walk or frolicking through the meadow or saying "hello" to the birds in the tree]
  • I think people worry more than they should
  • I don't like it when people have [unreasonable] expectations of me

There was so much truth to how this personality deals with stress is parallel to my own way of managing my own stress. My mind is overwhelmed on how much the Enneagram reveals that all people belong to one of nine personality types. The purpose of the Enneagram is not to put you in a box nor will it tell you to replace your personality with a new one, but to help you identify both the strengths and the limitations of a preferred strategy to self-discovery; as well as to give you guidance on how you may develop more capacity beyond self-knowledge in the hopes of helping you improve your relationship with others and growing compassion for others. 

It's hard to believe that God wants us to be successful spiritually, particularly when trials come our way. This reminds me of Job's predicament where everything in his life turned for the worst. Job praised God because he believed God is good. Nothing escapes His notice. The good news is that God is near no matter what happens to us. His presence is what helps us walk through trials, learn from them, and become stronger, wiser and more successful in life than we could ever imagine.

I did not write this out of malice against my mother. I want my mother to be happy, healthy and successful. I hope this would shed some light on every aspect of my lifestyle. Just because we are limited with our humanity, it doesn't mean we cannot be limitless with our godliness (Philippians 4:13).  When it was revealed to me that I have the Gift of Miracles, I thought it was a mistake. God showed my how my gift works. It was exhilarating and overwhelming at first. In full confidence when the opportunity presents itself, I always assure the recipient that God has seen their struggles. Their miracles are heading their way. In short, I'm the angel Gabriel on Earth. God's promises are an emotional shockwave. Your joy will overflow so much, you're going to cry and sing, "Good God, Almighty!" in a Rick Flair sort of way. God chooses us in our weakened state so that we may glorify His name forevermore. There is no possible way we can outdo God's generosity. The only way to give back to Him is to see to the need of others. After all, don't you want to be hugged when you're down? or be congratulated when you accomplished a difficult challenge? or just enjoy the weekend to go out on adventures with someone you know?

Just because many Christian Churches focus on our sins and unholiness, doesn't mean God is doing the same thing to us. In fact, God did more than that. He sent His Son. The Son of Man came to those who needed him the most. 

Jesus of Nazareth, Son of Man, Israel's messiah was chosen to show us the way back to God. Whether or not you accept the truth, it is not my place to judge you. If my story has given you hope and a ray of sunshine, then I will praise God with all my heart, soul and mind. He has renewed my faith. His steadfast love never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is God's faithfulness! In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

How do you cultivate friendships according to God’s grace?

Zach Hoag challenges us to find the root of your faith by finding out who Jesus really is. This is the foundation of our faith; not our perception of who Jesus should be or cultural expression of Christianity or religious values. This is a self-deception and dysfunctional. Jesus is not your mascot. He is your lord and savior. He is the way to your heart to God, the truth of your relationship with God and the life you can live with God. His blessings come in forms we don't seem to always appreciate. We have to remind ourselves that these blessings are from God. Don't discount the foolish things in your life. They are what allows us to seek God in honesty, ask for mercy and find redemption (1 Corinthians 1:26-27). 

If we are to truly love our neighbors beyond ourselves, would it be too much to ask to also love your enemies?

The pastor of Bethel Church, California stated, “People don’t need psychiatrists; they need good friends - people they can really talk to.”

Who is your covenant friend? A covenant friend is someone whom you have built trust, confidence and bonded with; especially based on similar interests - yet honest enough with each other to be accountable for one another.

Do you have any relationships you wish you should have but couldn’t?

What is preventing the relationship from developing?

Pastor Melissa Tumino writes from her blog, ‘': 
#1 The world doesn’t revolve around you
The moment you stop focusing on your self interest, the friendship will reap the benefits of a lasting relationship to come.

#2 Be a safe place for them
No matter what the circumstances they are facing, help them. Don’t judge them, don’t make them feel worse than they already are, and don’t give advice in which was never welcomed. If you don’t know what to say, ask: “How can I be helpful to your needs?”

#3 Reveal yourself to them. Don’t hide who you truly are.
Friendship is a two-way road. Be transparent and openly honest.

#4 Don’t be afraid to confront them if they hurt your feelings; don’t become defensive when they confront you.
In one of Pastor Wiens podcast, he says, “Stop yourself!” Just as God told the Korashites, “Be still; and know that I am God.” (Psalms 46: 10) If you truly value your friendship, try your best to listen and understand their point of view. (Galatians 5: 22 - 23; Philippians 4: 5)

#5 Cover them in prayer and never offend anyone (2 Corinthians 6: 3) 
Do not be a stumbling block (Luke 17: 1 - 4). Live with integrity (Titus 2: 7). Once you have established a bonding friendship, you can minister to each other in truth. If we follow and proclaim the truth of the Scriptures, we will inevitably offend people. We must make every effort to live in peace with others (Romans 12: 18). It should be God’s word to bring offense in truth rather than our attitudes and reproach; especially to our non-Christian friends. As we spread the truth of God’s word, we must do so in love, humility and courage as well as ensure that we are living in the truth; by God’s truth.

#6 Comfort and support them through hard times and celebrate them through the good times
Nothing will kill a friendship like not acknowledging and responding well to the season God has let them in. (Ecclesiastes 3: 1 - 8)

#7 Don’t try to change them or put them in a box.
We are all different; whether you or your friends have similar interests or not. Just because your friend has a different ideology, doesn’t mean you have to conform them to your own idealistic philosophy. 

#8 Spend time with them
Create memories with each other as it will only deepen your relationship and connection.

# 9 Encourage them when they are afraid, Support them when they are in need, Inspire them to live a purposeful life.
A friend who causes you to love God more is a keeper. As Helen Mallicoat expressed in her poem, "When you live in the past; with its mistakes and regrets, it is hard. I Am not there. My name is not I Was. When you life in the future; with its problems and fears, it is hard. I Am (H-Y-H) not there. My name is not I Will Be. When you live in this moment, it is not hard. I Am here.. My name is I Am. 

Rick Warren states in his Book, ’The Purpose Driven Life,’ a journey is always better when it is shared. (Ecclesiastes 1: 11 ) The best way to explain God’s purpose for your life is to allow the Scriptures to speak for itself. To discover your purpose in life, you must turn to God’s Word, not the world’s wisdom (i.e. this Enneagram). You must build your life in Eternal Truths.

Pastor Wiens wrote that everyone wants to be appreciated for their work in the world; but approval and admiration will take you only so far. They’ll trap you there. If your Journey of Restoration and Purpose in life is to hide, God will call you out from your hiding place. Will you answer His call as He once did with Adam and Eve? May you hear God’s voice calling your name in your deepest, darkest corner of shame; where you have hidden yourself away from everybody; including yourself. May you rise from that place and boldly answer, “Here I am.”

If you’re addicted to approval, you’ve hidden your true self so well that you can’t find it anymore. As more people like you, you will realize that fewer people will love you because you’ve never given them anything real to love.

Trust isn’t a concept. It’s a way of being in a relationship in which you seek mutual flourishing. Your work on your friendship is not to gain more control, more admiration or more approval. It’s for you to give your all and the best of yourself - an intimacy of vulnerability to a life being in an honest and true friendship.

What help do you need for healing? What hope do you need so that you can move forward and share that healing with others? What type of life or environment do you thrive in where you’re allowed to cultivate the life that grows around you, tend to that life, and guard it so that it flourishes?

# 10 Above all, just love them.
The foundation of your friendship has to come from a place of God’s love. It’s not about what we can get out of from that connection. (1 John 4:17-18) The true mark of life isn't things - it's people. Whether we have a little or a lot, as long as we have great relationships, we are rich. Our lives should reflect that truth. Take a moment to thank God for your family and friends who love you deeply and enrich your life. They are your treasure and better than money. (Proverbs 15:17).

How will you see to the shalom of your friends? What are you seeking to gain from this exercise?

Think deeply. Consider what you would like to be seeking. When you look at your life - the one you actually have at this moment; and the decisions you’ve actually made where you are right now, what does it tell you that you are seeking?


Sunday, April 18, 2021

The most elusive truth

When I was younger, I used to ask curious questions. As I got older, I learned how to ask questions that provoke people to speak the truth.

The subject of matter is, are we basing truth on facts or reality or both? Regardless of how you present the truth, we must always ask ourselves these questions:

  1. Is this what I truly believe?
  2. Why is this subject important to me?
  3. How will this benefit me and others if I share this information?
  4. When I share this information, is this going to hurt me or them? Will I be killed for sharing this information?
  5. Who am I actually helping when I present this information?

When I have begun to be aware of my surroundings, I was thinking of all the possible things I could do. I wanted to know how everything works. Topics referring from how life began to what makes a spaceship stay in space.

All I ever wanted in life was to have a creative space where I can explore my surroundings that pique my curiosity. I want to be free to explore without imposing myself on other's personal space. Since the day I was able to speak, I was always prevented from doing whatever I wanted to do to explore. Granted, I wasn't an evil child. I am for discipline. If you allow a child to run amok, you're just asking for trouble.

Unfortunately, there are some parents who have used their authority in an abusive and oppressive manner. Two things could happen. The child may choose to react negatively or positively. I am not an expert on human behavior; however, I have learned that there are certain people that do not deal with stress very well.

I'm not going to set precedence to your experiences and feelings to my story. I am not good at managing stress very well. I am - however, grateful that I have a group of people I can lean upon for support. They have helped me manage my stress. There's no shame in surrounding yourself with strong, inspiring, adaptable, and compassionate people to help you when you're stuck in a rut.

However I present this information, please understand that I am writing this to sort out my thoughts. If you have a different perspective, please feel free to share. Hear me out: even though I speak fluently in English, I still struggle to comprehend the context of the message relayed to me. When I was younger, an older kid at church said, "I'm going to take you out for lunch." I ran to my mom crying. She asked what the matter was. I told her that there was an older kid who wanted to eat me for lunch. My mother smiled and patted my head. She explained what the older kid meant. I felt embarrassed. Ha!

Before I can speak plainly, let me ask, "How curious are you?" I am asking if you are willing to make a choice to seek truth or to stay in your beliefs. I assure you that I will not be offended if you chose the latter. I will however, say a prayer for you. 

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
May you begin to awaken to the really good blessings that is inside of you
May you have the courage to share it for your own soul's sake and the sake of the world

You can't change hard truths. Even if you try to bend it to your will, life with smack you in the face with it - hard. The truth hurts. Nevertheless, no matter where I am or who I am with, I will always seek the truth.

Before life began on Earth, scientists have theorized that energy and matter expanded to what we now know as the universe. The universe is still continuing to expand. I know for some of you, Science sounds radical or far-fetched. The wonders of Science is that the information can be updated whenever a new discovery develops.

Before religion became a social cultural system, everything was one with the universe. The stars radiated light within its core. They illuminated the vast darkness that overshadows the waters in the universe. Life began to teem within the Interstellar space.

The origin of life and evolution on Earth was recorded around or before 1391 and 1271 BCE. Early writings were found in Mesopotamia that has similar records found in Egypt. Whether Moses was a legendary figure or not, the Egyptians have records in their pyramid about Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing. Moses' Egyptian name was Thutmose. Go figure.

The preliminary form of worship began with Nimrod. He influenced his clan, the Cushites, to worship the fire and offer sacrifices to his idols; while they build his palace of wonder, the tower of Babel (a pyramid). When his next of kin and other relatives complained about his selfishness of power, he granted them rank to also be worshipped as gods. While Nimrod was establishing his kingdom in Babylon, Assyria and Sumer, Abram (7th generation grandson), received a calling from the Lord. He left his family's business of idol making into a place he was promised. The promise was that Abram will have many descendants as much as the stars in the sky. Abram trusted the Lord's promise and followed his instructions to the new place in Canaan. Throughout his journey, Abram was tested (Genesis 12 - 22).

He had to pray when he started doubting or became afraid. Communication with God does not require a certain physical position. God began communicating with Abram in visions and via messengers instead of in-person (Genesis 12 - 14; 17 - 18). The Lord was faithful to his promise when Abraham took Ishmael, Hagar's son, and his household to be circumcised. Isaac was born from Sarah after Ishmael turned 14. Isaac was circumcised on his 8th day. Sarah got upset when Ishmael was picking on Isaac. Hagar was sent away with Ishmael into the desert. The Lord reminded Abraham that he should not worry since Ishmael was also his son, whom he would make a great nation along with Isaac's seeds. What a great nation Ishmael's descendants became. Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah (15th generation grandson), became the great prophet for the Islamic Nations of the Middle East and Asia Minor.

Many Jewish communities have struggled with the purpose of the brit milah ritual. In essence of what was written in the Scriptures, God made a covenant with Abraham that all his seeds and the seeds of his generations will be made nations and kings. Since all male living things are vessels of seeds, the induction of all female living things to produce nourishment of the embryo falls into place. God told Abraham that through his covenant, Sarah will be blessed as the mother of nations and kings. Therefore women in God's covenant are as important as the men.

Isaac could have been 5 or 10 at the time when the Lord asked Abraham to offer up Isaac at Mount Moriah. It took 3 days for Abraham to respect the Lord's request. Poor Abraham.

All God wanted Abraham to do was dedicate Isaac into worship. Abraham was to teach Isaac how to offer burnt offerings to God as a form of worship just as Adam and Eve's family used to do before the flood. The angel of God described Abraham as a "God-fearing" man. If he was, why did Abraham doubt Isaac would be born or let alone inherit the land of Canaan?

Isaac's trust in his father was duly noted and was rewarded by being spared and replaced by a ram for sacrifice. The left horn was made into a shofar.

The reason for the covenant with Abraham is to redeem the seed that was lost in the Garden of Eden. The ground in which the seed may grow is "cursed" and "unholy." God ask that Abraham be of perfect mind, soul and heart. Abraham willingly obeyed what was asked of him and taught his household to do the same. Sarah, his wife followed suit. Therefore, she was blessed. Isaac's children, Esau and Jacob were parallel to Eve's twins, Cain and Abel. In the Jewish commentaries, Esau was a rebellious son. Both Esau and Jacob were 15 when Abraham passed away. The lentils Jacob was cooking were meant for his father Isaac, because lentils are the traditional mourner's meal for Jews. On that day before returning, in a rage over the death of Abraham, Esau committed five sins; he raped a betrothed young woman, he committed murder of his niece's 4th generation great grandfather (Nimrod), he denied God, he denied the resurrection of the dead, and he spurned his birthright.

Even though their reconciliation was short-lived, the twin brothers' descendants continued to struggle for peace and forgiveness. Esau was the paternal ancestor of the Edomites, Amalekites, and Kennizites. According to the Torah, the Jewish congregation could not receive descendants of a marriage between an Israelite and an Edomite until the fourth generation. The commandment to kill Amalekites is not practiced by contemporary Jews, based on the argument that Sennacherib deported and mixed the nations, so it is no longer possible to determine who is an Amalekite.

In addition, many rabbinic authorities ruled that the commandment only applies to a Jewish king or an organized community, and cannot be performed by an individual. The Amalekites, as a physical nation, have been completely obliterated by the time of Hezekiah's reign, according to the Tanakh.

Although the Idumaeans controlled the lands to the east and south of the Dead Sea, their peoples were held in contempt by the Israelites. There is a Jewish tradition stemming from the Talmud, that the descendants of Esau would eventually become the Romans, and to a larger extent, all Europeans. This is in line with Mark's account that Herod (Idumaean heritage) married a Jewish woman (tribe of Ephraim/Manasseh/Benjamin). Regardless of the tension between the tribes of Israel, their hope is that their Messiah will restore the nation of Israel.

The Jews believe that in every generation, a person is born with the potential to be the Messiah. The Messiah will come in a time when he is most needed or in a time he is most desired. The Messiah is believed to be a righteous king who will be sent by God to unite people all over the world regardless of race, culture or religion. Jews believe that when the Messiah comes, he will do the following: rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. He will be anointed with holy anointing oil and rule the Jewish people during the Messianic Age.

In a generalized sense, messiah has "the connotation of a savior or redeemer who would appear at the end of days and usher in the kingdom of God, the restoration of Israel, or whatever dispensation was considered to be the ideal state of the world."

Maimonides has written: "Anyone who does not believe in him, or who does not wait for his arrival, has not merely denied the other prophets, but has also denied the Torah and Moses, our Rabbi."

According to one count, only 369 can be kept, meaning that 40% of mitzvot are not possible to perform. The Messiah will enable all 613 to be fulfilled by building the Temple in Jerusalem and bringing the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.

Israel became a culture of sin and death, which the God of life would not abide. The concept of original sin was first alluded to in the 2nd century by IrenaeusBishop of Lyon in his controversy with certain dualist Gnostics.

Sin is the absence of morality. We all make mistakes. It is in our nature to forgive, love and respect each other. For some, when their freedom has been constrained, it's much easier to sin than it is to work hard to do better for the sake of humanity.

"What was the first sin?" you asked. Envy. Eve was envious that she did not have a close relationship like what Adam had with God. If she could be just like God, Adam would worship her too.

The early rabbinic literature contains the traditions which portray Eve's creation as a resolution to Adam's loneliness. According to Rabbi Joshua"God deliberated from what member He would create woman, and He reasoned with Himself thus: I must not create her from Adam's head, for she would be a proud person, and hold her head high. If I create her from the eye, then she will wish to pry into all things; if from the ear, she will wish to hear all things; if from the mouth, she will talk much; if from the heart, she will envy people; if from the hand, she will desire to take all things; if from the feet, she will be a gadabout. Therefore I will create her from the member which is hid, that is the rib, which is not even seen when man is naked." Since Eve was created from one of Adam's ribs, Eve felt inferior to Adam and was never satisfied with anything.

Yeshuah ben Yosef fulfilled the promise God set for Israel. Whether the Jews realize it or not, Saul of Tarsus made it possible for the rest of the world to believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah. The Sanhedrin refused to believe Yeshuah as the Messiah because he was the son of a carpenter from Galilee. The meaning of "a king will arise from the House of David וְאִם יַעֲמֹד מֶלֶךְ מִבֵּית דָּוִד" is that the Messiah must be born Jewish, and of direct patrilineal descent from King David (through King Solomon. However, the Messiah is not immediately required to have the Halachic status of King. The reason why Matthew and Luke gave Jesus' lineage of both Joseph and Mary's ancestry, so that the children of Israel can see for themselves that He - is the promised Messiah. 

Zacharias priestly duties fell on the 23rd day of Ziv/Iyar and Bul/Heshvan. If he worked on Heshvan, John the Baptist was conceived on November 12 6 BCE. Mary would have visited Elizabeth on her 27th week which would fall on May 1. That would mean Jesus was born on January 16, 4 BCE and circumcised on January 24th. The Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn alongside the birth of a nova appeared in the sky. February 16 would be his 31st day to partake in Pidyon Haben but because he was in Egypt, it was not performed until after Herod the Great's death. Herod the great died on March 13, 4 BCE. Herod Archelaus took over Judea around April 12. Joseph stayed in Galilee instead of Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph went to Jerusalem to purify her tumat yoledet (Luke 2:24). Simeon the Just and Anna were in the Temple performing Yom Kippur. Since it was a fasting day, they had to perform the purification and Pidyon Haben the day before which falls on September 30, 4 BCE. Jesus was 12 when they were celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles October 22, 9 AD. If Zacharias worked on Iyar, John the Baptist would have been conceived on May 19, 6 BCE. Mary would have visited on November 3. That would mean Jesus was born on July 21, 5 BCE. Which means Jesus was about a year old when his family fled in Egypt. They may have stayed there for almost a year or so. This would actually fall perfectly in line with the astronomical event of the comet in the sky on the day he was born; and the meeting with Simeon on Yom Kippur. In this timeline, Jesus was 12 when they were celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles on October 4, 8 AD. Nevertheless, the teachers of the law (Rabbis) were amazed at his knowledge of the Torah.

The Gospel of Luke (Luke 3:23) states that Jesus was "about 30 years of age" at the start of his ministry. The Scribes taught the Jewish people to regard Jehovah as the righteous judge; but occasionally referred Him as the Father of Israel. Since Herod was made King of the Jews by the Roman Senate, the Scribes had to make other ways to comfort their life than the well-being of Israel's children. The Pharisees were discontented because Herod disregarded many of their demands with respect to the Temple's construction. The Sadducees, who were closely associated with priestly responsibilities in the Temple, opposed Herod because he replaced their high priests with outsiders from Babylonia and Alexandria, in an effort to gain support from the Jewish Diaspora. However, Herod's Temple was destroyed in 70 CE.

Jesus spoke often of the Passover because it is in fulfillment of the commandment for every Jew to remember God's salvation and redemption from their slavery in the land of Egypt. Jesus told his disciples that God's new covenant of the Passover is to remember the messiah's sacrifice who has paid the price of korban hattat קָרְבַּן חַטָּאת‎, for the world. The disciples were commanded to teach the Good News of the Gospel. When a disciple is ready, they are to baptize them in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit just as God has done to the children of Israel during the Exodus. 

Jesus came to fulfill the law and to free Israel from hypocrisy and sin, which the Pharisees and Saducees have demonstrated over the years during Herod the Great's reign over Judea. Jesus and his gospel were a fulfilment, a development of Judaism. Jesus emphatically corrects the misunderstanding of The Law (Mitzvot), stating that his coming and ministry is not to abolish anything in the Scripture. Jesus was crucified on April 12, 33 AD. He was only 36 years old.

Apostle Peter and other disciples declared to make new disciples of all the nations 10 days after Jesus' death (April 22, 30 AD). Paul began his missionary journeys, with Barnabas in 46 AD. Rome has persecuted many Jewish disciples of Christ by edict of the Roman Emperor from 70 AD - 100 AD. Peter was crucified on 13 October 64 AD (That would make Jesus 65 years old). Linus (2 Timothy 4:21) was the First Roman pope in 67 AD. The last apostle to die was John (100 AD).

A born-again Christian (coined by Rome) is someone who has willingly made a commitment to accept Yeshua (Jesus' Hebrew name - Joshua in English) as their personal Lord and Savior as well as living in Faith by following God's Commandment that was given first to the Jews and now unto the world. A good example of a Christian is someone like Ananais. The obedience of Ananias when he was called by the Lord, to restore the sight of Saul of Tarsus; was not only difficult for him to accept, but he acknowledged the burden set before him as he understood what must be done for the sake of God's kingdom.

Persecution of Christians throughout the Roman Empire continued from 154 - 313 AD. Latin translations (the Vetus Latina) from the Greek texts of the Scriptures were circulated among non-Greek-speaking Christian communities in 150 AD. Rome became a Christian Empire in 313 AD (1,708 year ago). In 323 AD, Pope Sylvester I in his calendar listed Sunday (rather than the Jewish Saturday) as the first day of the week, and henceforth, named it "the Lord's day", and commanded church members to keep it as a holy day. On November 18, 326 AD, Pope Sylvester I consecrates the Basilica of St. Peter built by Constantine the Great, over the tomb of the Apostle Simon Peter.

Pope Julius I officially sets the date of December 25 for the celebration of the Nativity or Christmas in 345 AD. Even though the Jewish Calendar reveals the birth of Christ on October 13, 2 BCE. In February, 380 AD, Emperor Theodosius I issued an edict, De Fide Catolica, in Thessalonica, published in Constantinople, declaring Catholic Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire. The Council of Rome under Pope Damasus I sets the Canon of the Bible, listing the accepted books of the Old Testament and the New Testament. No others are to be considered scripture in 382 AD. These are the pages we read today.

Only the Torah stayed unchanged; unwavering and living throughout those who seek it. These are God's words, transcribed by Moses and Joshua's hands after the 1st set of tablets were destroyed. 

James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Forgiveness is a duty, or a mitzvah in Judaism and is mentioned in the Torah. Jewish tradition does not expect us to be perfect, although we are always responsible for our actions. Jewish practices provide ways of transforming our lives for the good. We understand the imperfections of our biblical ancestors as powerful reminders that, despite our flaws, we can be good people, even if we sometimes act in ways that conflict with kindness and justice. Our characters are shaped by how we respond to our failures more than by our failures themselves. The Bible expanded the concept of repentance and atonement with the institution of the ancient Temple’s sacrificial system, which held that atonement could be achieved through expiation rites. In Deuteronomy, the Torah imagines God saying, “I put before you the blessing and the curse, life and death; therefore, choose life, that you may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19

Humanity is God’s partner in the betterment of the world, a process that must begin with each individual. This is where Christ, Jesus comes in. He became the sacrifice; in which, God expects from us when we come to Him for forgiveness. We come to Christ in our time of suffering and shame just as He encouraged us to do so in Matthew 11:28 - 30, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." It is our duty to share the Good News of the Gospel to our brethren in Jerusalem and of Hebrew descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Israel (Jacob). Since Jesus warned his disciples in Matthew 25:40 "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

Indeed, people's involvement both in conscience and deed is a sine qua non for securing divine forgiveness. It is not enough to hope and pray for pardon: man must humble himself, acknowledge his wrong, and resolve to depart from sin (e.g., David,  Sam. 12 ; Ahab, in 1 Kings 21:27–29.

The psalms provide ample evidence that penitence and confession are integral components of all prayers for forgiveness (Ps. 32:538:1941:5Lam. 3:40). The many synonyms for contrition testify to its primacy in the human effort to restore the desired relationship with God, e.g., seek the Lord (II Sam. 12:16 21:1), search for Him (Amos 5:4, humble oneself before Him (Lev. 26:41, direct the heart to Him (I Sam. 7:3), and lay to heart (II Kings 22:19). 

The rituals of penitence, such as weeping, fasting, rending clothes, and donning sackcloth and ashes (II Sam. 12:16Joel 1:13Ezra 9:310:16), are unqualifiedly condemned by the prophets if they do not correspond with, and give expression to the involvement of the heart. (Isa 1:1029:13Hos. 7:14 Joel 2:13).

Forgiveness is hard when you let the burdens of your past pile up one after another. This confidence resides in a number of assumptions concerning the nature of God, as presumed by the unique relationship between God and Israel, the bond of the *covenant. God's covenant to Adam and Eve was the promised dominion over the earth to mankind and life everlasting in return for obedience. God forgave them by covering their nakedness with coats of skin. God's covenant to Noah was: "Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth." In Ezekiel 16:48–50 

God admonishes Jerusalem for being like Sodom. God's covenant to Abraham was to make Abraham the father of a great people and said that Abraham and his descendants must obey God. In return God would guide them and protect them and give them the land of Israel. So when Abraham heard that God was going to destroy Sodom, he inquired God to review the innocent citizens. Abraham was referring to Lot. Unfortunately, Abraham did not know that Lot became a haughty human being. His wife refused to help a neighbour who ran out of salt (thus her fate as a pillar of salt to this day). God forgave the Moabites through Ruth, who became David's maternal descendant. God's covenant with Isaac was “Know that I am with you; I will protect you wherever you go, and bring you back to this land. I will never leave you until I have done what I promised you” (Gen. 28:15-16). Jacob made a covenant with God when God came to him in a dream that he shall inherit Isaac's covenant in order to have Jacob be keeper of the covenant. The altar in which Jacob built still stands today. God's covenant to Joseph was the grace of wisdom. Joseph was only 14 years old. Solomon was only 12 when he prayed to God to give him wisdom. On Mount Sinai, God made a covenant with Moses and the Jewish people that renewed the one he had made with Abraham. At the same time, God gave the Jews the Ten Commandments - a set of rules by which they should live and to remember the Passover (Their Salvation from Egypt). The royal covenant was made with David (2 Sam 7). It promised to establish his dynasty forever while acknowledging that its original royal-covenant promises had been given to the ancestor of the whole nation, Abraham. Jesus gave his disciples a new covenant, in which all believers may hold steadfast to: Every Passover, remember Jesus' sacrifice so that they may have life in the kingdom of God that shall come.

Before the Church fully opened the door to the Gentiles at the Jerusalem Council, the vast majority of its communicants were Jews; therefore, there was no question as to whether Christians should observe Passover. Its celebration was a significant part of the biblical heritage upon which the early Jewish leaders of the Church had founded a faith and polity that recognized Yeshua (Jesus) as the fulfillment of the Messianic expectations of His people and as the Savior of the world.

As Gentiles came to prominence in the Church, they were influenced by traditions which they had brought with them and by pressures from Rome to disassociate themselves from the Jews and things “Jewish.” At the same time a controversy raged in the Church over whether complete obedience to the Law of Moses was essential to salvation in addition to faith in Jesus (Lutheranism). Of particular concern was the practice of circumcision, whether it should be physically enforced on new converts to this Judeo-Christianity or whether the circumcision of the heart that God had described to Moses, Jeremiah, and Apostle Paul was sufficient without the physical procedure. Having been ripped from its moorings, Christianity drifted on the tide of human tradition, often swirling in the maelstrom of a pagan-based world view that allowed violent conduct toward the Jewish people. 

Both Jews and Christians need to recognize the fact that Christian understanding of prophecies and practices in the Hebrew Scriptures rests on interpretations of those Scriptures by Jews of the First Century who came to see Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah of Israel. Jesus Himself was a Torah-observant Jew. All of the apostles on whom the Church was built were Torah-observant Jews. All of Jesus' disciples were married except for Paul, who has deemed himself unworthy of human desires. He was short, hunched-back and very pale. Virtually the entire constituency of the Church’s first decade were Jews who were faithful to the Law; including Apostle Paul, a **Pharisee. 

The bottom line is that all the Gentiles who came to faith in Jesus were considered by their Jewish brethren to have been grafted into God’s family tree of salvation and Covenant relationship (the theme of Romans 11). Apostle Paul made this clear in 1 Corinthians 10:1 when, writing specifically to Gentile Christians, he declared: “For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers, that our forefathers were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea.” Coupled with his declaration to Gentile believers in Romans 4:1216 that Abraham is “the father of us all [Jew and Gentile],” it is clear that the apostle considered the Gentiles who had come to faith in the Messiah to be children of the patriarch, Abraham. When we remain faithful to the Bible, the answer is clear and unequivocal: “Because Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us; therefore, let us observe the festival [Passover and Unleavened Bread] ... with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” (1 Cor. 5:7-8). This directive is from a Christian apostle who even then was still a **Jewish rabbi, and it was given to Gentiles. 

On March 31, 1521, Baptism of the first Catholics in the Philippines, the first Christian nation in Southeast Asia. This event is commemorated with the feast of the Sto. Niño. Most Christian objection to Passover observance is based on ecclesiastical anti-Judaism that developed after the Church’s first century.  

Many of the Philippine traditions have been influenced by the Roman Catholic Church. These traditions have been incorporated with idol worship. The symbolism of the Liturgical Vessels for the Eucharist have lost its meaning. I have observed during my time in the Philippine provinces that the Catholics there only practice this "ritual" to be forgiven at their convenience rather than show full repentance of their sin. When I asked one of the church member about their behavior, they became very defensive. I assured them that I was only curious. It didn't make sense to me to continue to sin if they have asked for forgiveness during the mass.

A friend once told me that most of these religious ritualist don't always use their logical processes when they perform their religious duties. Regardless of their reason, it still doesn't make sense to ask for forgiveness only to repeat the same immoral act later.

Let's take a misdemeanor as an example. You just had your first car. You ran a traffic light because you knew you could considering the opportune circumstance. It was your first offense. The police officer gives you a warning. You feel pretty good about yourself for getting a free pass. You start boasting about it. The next time you ran the light, you had a reason. You are in need of a home emergency to take care of. You get frustrated by getting pulled over. You get impatient with the police officer. You get your first ticket. You ignore the fine. After 3 weeks, you find that your car is no longer in your garage. Not only do you have to pay a fine for ignoring a legal traffic violation, you have to pay a higher premium for your car insurance and a fee to retrieve your car from impoundment. You now feel vilified for the injustice you received. Whether you win your case in court, you have suffered more than a bruised ego. Since, you're out of a car, your attendance at work degrades, your bills for legal fees increases and your partner is threatening to leave you. 

Rather than ask for forgiveness, you decide to take it out on the world. You end up in jail. What is left for you to do? Nothing. Be still and know that God has seen your pain and suffering. The laws are in place so that you do not harm yourself or anyone else. After serving your time, you begin a new life. You become mindful of others. You start taking the public transportation. You see someone being harassed. They thank you. The next time you see them, they start sitting next to you. You begin to connect. They laugh at your jokes, and they make you feel more of yourself. Next thing you know, you begin to worry about what they might think about your past. They notice your concern. They begin to share their past with you. You now feel a deeper connection and express your feelings for them. 

Your life takes a better turn. You have a steady job. You find yourself in a new car. Would you do the same behavior again or would you consider becoming a responsible driver?

We are all given choices in our lives. All God wants you to choose is life - not death. This spiritual journey is between you and God. Nobody can walk it for you. If this is not truth, than what is?