Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Hey BuzzFeed​,
Do you just hire people to write articles without doing their research or what? Trying to pass off Arianna Grande as the Thomas Edition of our generation? First off, Arianna did not invent Axent Wear Headphones. That invention alone belongs to @Wenqing Yan aka Yuumei​ alone.

If Arianna truly wanted to promote Axent Wear, she should have asked the original artist first. Please make sure that you and your fellow Buzzfeed Editors do their research before blogging.

That is all a fellow artist can do.


Due to the alarming social media journalism, there's not much else we can do other than to help Yuumei be recognized for her work. Please DO NOT discourage others from buying the Limited Edition of Arianna's promotional Axent Wear Headphones. The royalties still belong to Yuumei including the contract rights between her and Brookstone.

Please be kind to take a photo your your own purchased Axent Wear Headphones, tag Yuumei by thanking her and Axent Wear for their design. We don't need to fan the fire anymore than it has to.
Ariana Grande Is Now Selling $150 Cat Ear Headphones, So...
Ariana Grande Is Now Selling $150 Cat Ear Headphones, So...